
Friday, May 18, 2012

Everythingtastiful recipe of this week: Tabbouleh

Since because of my health issues this past few months (well I need to look for an excuse), but seriously this caused me to gained weight! So I’ve decided to try Dukan diet, my online analysis says that I need to undergo 4 days of Attack Phase (AP) and 55 days Cruise Phase (CP). During the 3 days of AP, I've lost 3 pounds, which I'm guessing I've only lost my water weight.

Then I reach to the point that I don’t feel it’s a healthy diet since I'm depriving myself to eat fruits (which I LOVE). And also reach I reach to the point where I don’t want to see any chicken or any food. There’s a weird taste in my mouth, unexplainable, like iron taste (weird). So in my 4th day I decided to eat fruits and vegetable this is the only food that I can tolerate. So this past few days I'm just eating lentil salad from Starbucks. I somehow continue my diet since I’m seeing some result, basically I am not eating carbo and cutting down my sugar intake. And ofcourse, exercising!!

In lieu with my dieting, I've decided to make my first tabbuoleh (very healthy) all time favorite salad in Middle East country. It’s a bit challenging for me since my hubby is a Middle Eastern guy, so he does know the real, authentic taste, so lets see what will be his verdict.

2 tablespoon bulgur wheat
3 spring onion
1 medium size cucumber
juice of lemon (3 lemon)
1/4 cup olive oil (or add more)
4 tomatoes, fine chopped
2 bunch of parsley
2 tablespoon of mint
salt and pepper to taste

1.Clean well the parsley, mint, tomatoes, and spring onion, set aside.
2.In a separate bowl, place the bulgur wheat and put a hot water just enough to cover the wheat. Set aside.
 3.Cut the cucumber into small pieces. Finely chop the tomatoes and spring onion, set aside. Squeeze the lemon in a small bowl, set aside.

4.In a food processor, put the parsley and mint, until finely chopped.
5.In a separate mixing bowl, place the chopped parsley and mint.
6.Mix other ingredients.
7.Put the olive oil and lemon. And salt and pepper to taste.
8.Remove the water from the bulgur wheat and combine it with the salad mixture.
9.Arrange it by putting some lettuce leaf. Serve.
And (drum roll please) my hubby's verdict.... A-, not bad for a first timer! :-)


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